• The Henry County Board of Education consists of five elected Board members that represent each of the five School Board Districts.


    District I                                                                                     District II

    Mrs. Faye Shipes                                                                 Mr. Tyrone Watson

    fshipes@henrycountyboe.org                                  twatson@henrycountyboe.org


    District III                                                                                District IV

    Mrs. Jean Bush                                                                      Mrs. Mary Wiggins

    jbush@henrycountyboe.org                                          mwiggins@henrycountyboe.org


                                                                    District V

                                                              Mr. Emanuel Davis


     Regular Henry County Board of Education meetings are held at 5:00 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at 300 North Trawick Street, Abbeville, Alabama at the Central Office location in the Board Room unless otherwise scheduled and publicly notified prior to the meeting. All meetings are open to the public.