Welcome to the Henry County Virtual Campus
HCVC Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m
The purpose of HCVC is to provide an opportunity for students to continue learning using assigned classroom standards and completion of assignments in an alternative structured learning environment. The ultimate goal is to empower students as they return to their home school knowing that success is obtained through self-discipline, self-control, self-motivation and dedication.
Students not signed in and seated by 8:00 am are considered tardy and are eligible for additional days. Drop off in front of the building, pick up is at 2:15 behind the building. (Go through the gates as if you are entering a football game)
Parent, guardian or designee must accompany the student to HCVC on the first day for an orientation conference. The conference will be held between 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. If a student is tardy for this conference, an additional day may be added.
- Please read the Henry County Virtual Campus Student Handbook prior to arriving at orientation.
- Cell phones and/or mobile devices (iPad, iPod, Tablets etc.) are not allowed on the HCVC campus.
- Students will be provided breakfast and lunch from Abbeville Schools.
- Students may also bring their lunch but must adhere to school-based rules regarding packaging.
- Please read the Henry County Virtual Campus Student Handbook prior to arriving at orientation.
Contact Us
Phone: (334) 585-2206 ext. 1242
(334) 585-2206 ext. 1243Fax: (334) 585-2012